這是啥意思啊? 別給我唱首歌跳支舞? 不能邊唱邊跳? well, 這句話的意思跟唱歌跳舞還真是一點關係也沒有....

當人家跟你說 "Don't give me a song and dance" 時,意思是叫你別再找藉口,說些五四三等不著邊際、沒有重點的東東啦!簡單說,a song and dance = excuse. 給大家一些例句喔:

Ci _dy: I can't give you this month RFC because sales have not finish their bottom up numbers.

Pol_y: Don't give me a song and dance. It's time for you to take up some responsibility.


Te_: Costco didn't agree to list our new shaver because the price is not good enough.

OO: Get your ass back there and settle this deal now. I don't want to hear a song and dance because you are the product manager from account sales team!

好啦好啦...我承認第2句純屬幻想,現實生活中不可能發生.... anyway, isn't it fun to learn English like this?


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