目前分類:學老美說話 (5)

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shoot the breeze

v : talk socially without exchanging too much information;
     "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
    [syn: {chew the fat}, {chat}, {confabulate}, {confab}, {chitchat}, {chatter}, {chaffer}, {natter}, {gossip}, {jaw}, {claver}, {visit}]

Pick-up lines
A pick-up line is intended to be short and easy method of "picking up" (i.e., engaging) another person for sex, romance,or dating. They are usually used to initiate a conversation (an opener). The line is usually brief, and is intended to display wit and arousal to its targeted listener.


ByOhioRiver 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我們人在江湖上辛苦"走撞",適度的彼此讚美是必要的,但有些時候我們會聽到一些很虛假的讚美,一般稱之為 "逢迎諂媚" ,咬文嚼字些的說法是"巧言令色",或通俗一點就是所謂的"拍馬屁"

英文的 "butter someone up" 指的就是這類居心叵測的花言巧語&討好之詞


大家都知道 butter 當名詞時是 "奶油",也可當動詞作"塗奶油"的意思,而動詞的衍生義是 flatter someone for selfish reasons ,這讓我聯想到中文用 "吃了糖蜜" 、"嘴巴很甜"來形容是類似的情形。來一些例句吧:

Peggy wants to make her boss happy by buttering her up. That often does the trick.

As a boss, she should always use her noodle (use her head) and read between the lines (understand things that are not said, find a hidden meaning). Don't let the girl take advantage of her!

雖說人都喜歡聽好話,但也得提防&辨別好話背後是否 "別有用意",所謂無功不受祿、天下沒有白吃的午餐,天上掉下來的禮物也不見得都是寶貝(咦...好像扯遠了),總之別被灌幾匙迷湯就受人利用啦!


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感恩節假期間閒著沒事,拿出了一個多月前Kathy寄來 畢業紀念冊 裡附上的4DVD,花了大概兩個小時 (多半以20倍速快轉) “回味 那三天兩夜的墾丁 “G情之旅,感觸良多......

我想,隨著P逐步地take over G,那屬於G特有的沒大沒小的瘋狂玩樂方式,大約也快到了曲終人散的時候了。

Well, 該來的總是要來,now that the deal has done, you have to get in the swing of things and learn the ropes. I certainly know it will be a breeze for most of you because you are really cut out for the work.

In the swing of things : 適應新環境 
When I first moved into Chicago, it was difficult to get in the swing o things.

learn the ropes : 學習新的知識或技能 
Whenever you start a new job, you need to learn the ropes.

a breeze : 簡單容易
Everyone can answer that question. It’s a breeze.

cut out : 非常適合的人選 
He loves math and statistics. He is cut out to be an engineer.

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如果你看著字面意義,想像何種情況下會有兩個人see eye to eye來揣測這個慣用語的意思,你可能會像我一樣得到類似的聯想: 形容戀人眼中只有彼此的深情對望? 爭論不休導致的吹鬍子瞪眼睛,或是以牙還牙、以眼還眼…. No no no...以上皆非啦!

See eye to eye = have the same opinion; agree

所以當人家說 "We usually see eye to eye" 意思是我們多半同意對方的意見和想法。See eye to eye 後面經常接 on (something),指的是針對某事有共識,例如:

(1) Marketing people and sales people never see eye to eye on new product pricing. (2) John and Mary usually see eye to eye on how to raise their child.

Alright, 下面這個例句是給Kat_y 的:

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這是啥意思啊? 別給我唱首歌跳支舞? 不能邊唱邊跳? well, 這句話的意思跟唱歌跳舞還真是一點關係也沒有....

當人家跟你說 "Don't give me a song and dance" 時,意思是叫你別再找藉口,說些五四三等不著邊際、沒有重點的東東啦!簡單說,a song and dance = excuse. 給大家一些例句喔:

Ci _dy: I can't give you this month RFC because sales have not finish their bottom up numbers.

Pol_y: Don't give me a song and dance. It's time for you to take up some responsibility.


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