如果你看著字面意義,想像何種情況下會有兩個人see eye to eye來揣測這個慣用語的意思,你可能會像我一樣得到類似的聯想: 形容戀人眼中只有彼此的深情對望? 爭論不休導致的吹鬍子瞪眼睛,或是以牙還牙、以眼還眼…. No no no...以上皆非啦!

See eye to eye = have the same opinion; agree

所以當人家說 "We usually see eye to eye" 意思是我們多半同意對方的意見和想法。See eye to eye 後面經常接 on (something),指的是針對某事有共識,例如:

(1) Marketing people and sales people never see eye to eye on new product pricing. (2) John and Mary usually see eye to eye on how to raise their child.

Alright, 下面這個例句是給Kat_y 的:

OO: Kat_y, I found you are becoming more and more attractive recently.

Kat_y (受寵若驚狀): Really? Thank you. We do see eye to eye on this!

** 請注意:我可不保證OO懂不懂 see eye to eye的意思,要是他誤會Kat_y是在對他 flirting (想跟他來個深情對望之類的....)...... 呵呵

最後再給大家一個相反詞:at odds = in disagreement


(1) John and Mary got a divorce because they were always at odds with each other. (2) She is always at odds with him. They never see eye to eye.

ok 今天先這樣子啦!


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