
感恩節假期間閒著沒事,拿出了一個多月前Kathy寄來 畢業紀念冊裡附上的4DVD,花了大概兩個小時 (多半以20倍速快轉) “回味那三天兩夜的墾丁 “G情之旅,感觸良多......

我想,隨著P逐步地take over G,那屬於G特有的沒大沒小的瘋狂玩樂方式,大約也快到了曲終人散的時候了。

Well, 該來的總是要來,now that the deal has done, you have to get in the swing of things and learn the ropes. I certainly know it will be a breeze for most of you because you are really cut out for the work.

In the swing of things : 適應新環境 
When I first moved into Chicago, it was difficult to get in the swing o things.

learn the ropes : 學習新的知識或技能 
Whenever you start a new job, you need to learn the ropes.

a breeze : 簡單容易
Everyone can answer that question. It’s a breeze.

cut out : 非常適合的人選 
He loves math and statistics. He is cut out to be an engineer.


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